The Cerebro Series

The Cerebro Series

Exploring Adobe with Vincent Fu

March 28, 2022

Hosted by: Kady Katona

In this podcast you’ll discover what it’s like to use Adobe products as a student and why everyone should start giving Adobe Express a try.

download this episode’s infographic

Follow along with the lead up and questions I ask Vincent Fu, a medical student at CU Anschutz, who is also an Adobe jack of all tradesmen. We’ll explore his journey through Adobe products, his passion for helping others become more digitally literate and his Adobe recommendations for students and teachers. 


Hi, this is Kady Katona, an Instructional Designer at CETL with another episode of the Cerebro SeriesToday we’ll be talking with Vincent Fu- a current medical student at CU Anschutz who happens to be a promoter of digital literacy through the use of Adobe Software all found in the Creative Cloud. 

Vincent has created a new curriculum called Digital MD which creatively takes medical students through a series of self-led digital activities to better prepare for the challenging career ahead of them. The underlying backbone of this inspiring work is Adobe. 

What drew you to Adobe software in the first place?   

What swayed you into coming to CU Denver was it just the mountains; surely it’s not the Broncos? 

Is there a certain software you prefer? 

My favorite is Adobe Creative Cloud Express because it’s so easy to use. Have you dabbled much in Adobe Creative Cloud Express?

How would you encourage a student completing an entirely different degree to give Adobe Software a try?  Where should a busy student start? 

How would you like to see teachers encourage the use of Adobe software?  

Thank you so much for your time; it was great chatting with you.