Cerebral Satire Podcast
Latest Episodes
Hide things in your Vag
Cerebral Satire Chris, Wayne Hid things in your Vag Facebook Twitter Intro Milk comes from brow cows http://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/millions-of-americans-think-chocolate-milk-comes-from-brown-cows/ Penis size grows ...
3 Amigos
Warning on Audio quality. We had a very rough time with our Audio this week. Just Wayne, Chris and Ant talking crap.
Beast of Burden
Cerebral Satire Chris, John Beast of Burden Facebook Twitter Intro Guy catches thief and then Tattoos him on his forehead a thief http://www.unilad.co.uk/crime/tattoo-artist-catches-thief-in-his-home-punishes-him-with-brutal-forehead-tattoo/ Gwyneth...
Otherkins and other BS
Cerebral Satire Chris, Ant Facebook Twitter Intro Do you want to kill people? Maybe? Here is the list. https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/how-to-tell-if-youre-a-psychopath-or-just-a-bad-person WTF is a Otherkin?...
Rant Friday
WARNING POLITICAL CONTENT This week the guys sit and do a would you rather questions. As the normal they start by arguing about politics.
America has no Food Friday
Cerebral Satire Chris, Ant America has no Food Friday Facebook Twitter Intro If you are alive in 30 years you might be alive in 1000 http://www.unilad.co.uk/science/if-youre-alive-in-30-years-you-might-be-alive-in-1000-years/ Might want to not put an...
Shite Happens
Cerebral Satire Chris, Ant Shite Happens Facebook Twitter Intro She won then she shat http://urbanleak.com/woman-arrested-for-shitting-on-boss-desk-after-winning-the-lottery/ Outro
Facts and more Facts with Wayne
This week Ant and I dive deep into the world of Wayne. Why his wife hates sex with him. How he drinks milk while he masturbates, and then we give him 20 facts.
Wank with us
This week Ant and Chris talk about sex, drinking all night, being old and life as a white male.