Centre Street Church Video Weekend Sermons

Centre Street Church Video Weekend Sermons

Latest Episodes

Learning How to Pray Part 3
December 07, 2015

In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus challenges us to forgive our debtors, to forgive those who have sinned against us. This message focuses on what the Bible teaches about forgiveness, what it is, what it is not and why forgiveness is critical to our emotional

Learning How to Pray God's Provision
November 30, 2015

The key to overcoming worry is to pray about everything. When it comes to the worries of life, Jesus taught His disciples, in the Lord’s Prayer, to come to the Heavenly Father and to specifically ask, “Give us today our daily bread”. (Matthew 6:11).

Mighty Saviour Part 2
November 23, 2015

In this second sermon of the series ‘Mighty Saviour’, we look at the comprehensive defeat of two long standing enemies of the human race – Sickness and Death.

Mighty Saviour More Powerful than Demons
November 16, 2015

In Part 1 of his “Mighty Saviour” series, Pastor Ashwin shares how Jesus is more powerful than demons. Based on the story of the demon-possessed man in Mark 5:1-20, we are reminded that although spiritual warfare is happening constantly in our world t

Oh Canada
November 09, 2015

Oh Canada, Acts 1:8 - In this Global Ministries weekend sermon, Pastor Wayne Smele shares how the book of Acts is a witness to the spread of Christianity. Pastor Wayne's observances are: the disciples were a witness to the life of Jesus Christ; we as disc

Simply Hearing and Doing
November 02, 2015

True spiritual growth requires us to both hear the word of God and then to put it into practice. Our lives will not change, grow or move toward that which is most important to us and God if we don’t do the things required to move us in that direction.

Living Simply
October 26, 2015

The third key to financial simplicity and freedom is examined. It teaches what it means to live simply so that we can not only live with less anxiety but have additional resources to help people and also be able to support churches and ministries committe

Simplifying Your Finances
October 19, 2015

This sermon focuses on another factor that adds a great deal of stress and complexity to our lives - our finances. In this part of Dr Henry Schorr's ‘Pursue Simplicity’ series we continue to learn from Jesus how we can simplify our lives by simplifyin

Choosing Gratitude
October 13, 2015

In this Thanksgiving weekend sermon, Pastor Kent challenges us to “Choose Gratitude” – based on the story of the 10 Lepers in Luke 17. Choosing gratitude reminds us that we are not entitled to blessing, that we cannot get along all on our own and th

Simplifying Relationships
October 05, 2015

One thing that often adds to the complexity of our lives is relationships—too few, troublesome ones, or too many relationships. This sermon provides instruction from Jesus’ life on how to simplify our lives by simplifying our relationships.