Podcasts Archive | Dr. Pompa | Natural Health Solutions

Podcasts Archive | Dr. Pompa | Natural Health Solutions

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202: Becoming a Fat-Burning Beast
January 05, 2018

Episode 202: During this week's interview with primal living advocate Mark Sisson, we explain the concept of metabolic flexibility and it's implementation, how NOT to do the keto diet, intermittent fasting as a lifestyle,

201: How to Block Fast
December 29, 2017

Episode 201: I get questions all the time on the ins and outs of block fasting, so we decided to do an off-the-cuff Q & A to answer some of the most common queries.

200: We’re Celebrating!
December 22, 2017

Episode 200: In celebration of 200 shows on the books, we're counting down the top 5 most popular topics in CHTV history.

199: Is Generational Toxicity Real?
December 15, 2017

Episode 199: According to breakthrough research by biologist Dr. Michael Skinner, past toxin exposures may play a larger role in impacting our current health status than we ever thought. This means that toxins which affected your great grand-parents co...

198: Are Plants Making You Sick?
December 08, 2017

Episode 198: This week we define lectins and their associated health problems, who should eat gluten, how certain plant compounds trigger leaky gut, ways to mitigate the damage of toxic plants, why we should only eat ripe fruit, Dr.

197: The Truth About Fish Oil Part 2
December 01, 2017

Episode 197: We've been told for years to take fish oil for everything from heart and brain health, to improving skin and joint function. This week's guest, Professor Brian Peskin, brings ALL the science to this heated debate.

196: Cancer: Surviving and Thriving
November 26, 2017

Episode 196: Annie Brandt decided to take the road less traveled after a stage 4 breast cancer diagnosis...and is not only surviving but THRIVING. During the show, we dig into Annie's toolbox for supporting the healing of her cancer and,

195: Detoxing With Sound Therapy
November 17, 2017

Episode 195: Githa Ben-David is an expert in sound therapy, with her own "pain to purpose" story to share. We dig into Githa's techniques to trigger cellular healing, how sound therapy can be used in conjunction with True Cellular Detox, and much more.

194: How To Take Back Your Health
November 10, 2017

Episode 194: Christine's story is very powerful, and it's been a privilege to help guide her through the healing journey. Getting to the ROOT of the problem is the key, and applying a Multi-Therapeutic Approach to fix cellular dysfunction has given Chr...

193: You Are What You Eat, Eats
November 03, 2017

Episode 193: Brilliant journalist and food expert Michael Pollan once wrote “You are what you eat, eats" and this episode of CHTV explains the truth of that statement.