Cellfie Life

Cellfie Life

MCAT -5- Embryogenesis II

April 18, 2023

Hey, it’s Michaela, and this is Selfie Life, where we talk about complex science principles by relating them to I Love Lucy episodes and Bunny ears. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, listen to the Earth early embryogenesis episode. It was the episode right before this one. Also, for those of you questioning my three haze, I heard someone say it in the library. When I was writing this episode.

I thought I would try it on. I’m not sure how I feel about it.

Anyway, I am Nikayla and welcome to the Selfie Life. This subject is a two parter because it was getting a little longer than I wanted and I want to keep these episodes around 30 ish minutes. So I decided to chop the embryogenesis review in half. But first, housekeeping. I have set up a Patreon page.

If you are enjoying the show and want to share the love, you can head over to Patreon.com. With Patreon, you can pay a small amount of money each month to help me cover production costs. It will help me pay for hosting and pay my amazing editors that help me get these episodes out every week. You can support the podcast for as little as $0.25 an episode, which is only a dollar a month. Or if you’re just a broke student and you really need that money for ramen, I get it.

I’ve been there. Share the love by telling your friends about this podcast and rating or reviewing. You can follow me on Instagram. I post review questions on my stories just about every day. And you can also check out the website@selfielife.com where you can find the script.