Cellfie Life

Cellfie Life


April 17, 2023

Once upon a time there was a girl that lived in the desert that decided to go back to school. And not just any school, but to medical school. But she had a job and bills and didn’t have an extra $3,000 lying around to take an MCAT prep course. So she searched high and low for a podcast that did a great job reviewing for the MCAT so she could listen while driving and doing the dishes and at the gym and at work, but to Noah Bell. So she drank some crazy and decided to make an MCAT prep podcast.

Hello everyone. My name is Nikaelama and I am that crazy awesome person doing this MCAP podcast. Selfie Life. Sell fee life. You guys get it?

A cell, like the thing that things are made of. Anyway, I think everybody gets the pun. When I was brainstorming names with my best friend who is a social media manager, like she does social media for her profession and she’s brilliant at it. She wasn’t a huge fan of the name Selfie Life. She thought it sounded like a prison podcast.

This is not a prison podcast. This is an educational science podcast currently geared in creating a comprehensive review for the MCAT. When my friend said that the name reminded her of prison cells, I got a little excited and I went on this long explanation about how Robert Hook was looking at a cork under a microscope and saw the little areas of the desiccated plant cells and thought they looked like monk cells, like the places where the monks used to sleep. And after I went on this crazy little rant and was so excited, she still hated the name, but I liked it, so I went with it. So this is Selfie Life a little bit about me.

My bachelor’s is in biology. I have a minor in chemistry, probably very similar to a lot of you listening. And I have a master’s degree in human physiology. For the past couple of years, I have been working and doing research in a really, really amazing lab that does microbiology biochemistry and molecular research. If you ask me about things that I love, I obviously have a very long list.

But I have a special place in my soul for science. And you guys, I love getting good grades. There is just something so satisfying with conquering subject matter and like going in and just being like, yeah, I know this. And having that complete understanding and that love of good grades and really understanding how things work and having a thorough knowledge translates over into me really wanting a really amazing MCAT score. So I’m hoping that this podcast will help all of you as well.

And I hope that you and I hope when I say you, I’m really hoping that there’s going to be a lot of people that will listen, that this podcast will help you towards your MCAT score goals and that financial restrictions or busy schedules won’t keep anyone from their medical school dreams. I mean, we need more doctors. We need more people who are passionate and willing to make the sacrifices to become doctors. So good job you guys. Good job.

So please listen. Rate review, subscribe. I mean, you know the drill. But also, please tell your friends about this podcast. For me and my friends that are in the sciences and on this medical school journey, we share materials that we like all the time.

Like we’re always shooting each other YouTube videos. Huge fan of YouTube University and books that were really good. And there’s really just a community, especially I feel like, around people taking the MCAT. So please share. Let everyone know.

Let your friends know. Also, I’m getting a website up. Check out the website. It’s cellfielife.com. The transcripts from each episode will be posted there eventually.

I want to put up study notes, but for now, I will have the transcripts. If you need like a quick review, you want to visually review it, it will be there for you. And what else do I need to tell you about? Oh, Instagram. I have an Instagram account where I actually post MCAT review questions almost every day on my Insta stories.

So make sure to check out the Instastories. My handle is at this selfie life. So it’s thiscellfielife. The plan is to release a new episode every Tuesday. I know that MCAT season is always upon us, so if I can release them faster, I will.

But plan on having a new episode every Tuesday for sure. Subscribe and then they will just automatically be downloaded for you. I have used a lot of resources donated by a lot of awesome friends that have already taken the MCAT and have used all these resources to help create this podcast. You guys. I have Kaplan books.

Altius books. Khan Academy. Huge fan of Khan Academy. And YouTube videos. Exam crackers.

Somebody gave me some CDs of Audio Osmosis and I need to find a CD player or something. I don’t have anything in my house that plays CDs. So once I figure out how to play CDs, I know how to play CDs. Once I figure out where I can play CDs, I really want to give those a listen because I’ve heard really good things about those as well. I also have some prints and review material.

I have my own science books and my own classroom materials. And I really tried to scour the MCAP prep stuff and put together a comprehensive podcast review.

Thanks for listening you guys. Let’s get really great scores on the MCAT. Hit me up on Insta. If you have any questions or comments or corrections. If you ever hear something and you’re like, no, that is incorrect, please let me know and I will put out a correction.

Having correct information in my podcast is super important and I’ve been putting a lot of time and research into these podcasts so that I can teach and share it correctly. You all right? You guys study hard, friends.