Fitness Confidential

Fitness Confidential

Doctor Lifestyle Changes & Carnivorism with Philip Ovadia - Episode 1641

August 07, 2020

: Episode 1641 - Dr. Philip Ovadia joins Vinnie Tortorich on this Friday show to discuss cardiothoracic medicine, doctor lifestyle changes, carnivorism, medical school training (or lack thereof), COVID-19 from a lung perspective, statins, metabolic disease and more. Https:// PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS DR. PHILIP OVADIA Philip is based out of Florida, but also travels to Memphis often for work. He is a cardiothoracic surgeon. The two most common surgeries he performs are bypass surgeries and surgeries dealing with lung cancer. When it comes to the heart, he's a plumber. As a heart surgery, he tries to help his patients understand cholesterol. Just because cholesterol is there when there's a heart problem, doesn't mean *it* is causing the problem. He doesn't deal a lot with COVID patients because they don't usually need surgery. Two things should be eye-opening: 1) Metabolic health seems to be fairly determinative of how you may do if you contract the disease. 2) Doctors seem to have lost control of medicine. DOCTOR LIFESTYLE CHANGES Dr. Philip is a healthy guy, a healthy weight. However, until four or five years ago, he struggled with obesity. This plagued him since he was a kid. He didn't understand why he kept getting heavier – he only drank diet soda and ate a low fat diet. During residency, he only got heavier. He got to 270 lbs at 5'7". He would be winded walking up the stairs to see a patient and he realized he couldn't continue like this. The "eat less, move more" mantra he was taught in med school wasn't sustainable. Caloric deficit lost him some weight, but he picked it back up. He started by doing gluten free for his wife and started to feel way better. He wasn't so tired any more. Several months later, he heard Gary Taubes speak and from there, he got into low carb high fat. Now, he's a carnivore guy. He's lost 100 lbs and kept it off. Philip feels better than he did in his 20s now! It can be tough to change your mind, especially as a doctor, after you've been so indoctrinated. However, he simply saw what he was taught did not work. People don't even know what it means to be healthy anymore. Doctors need to get people back on track with respect to people not accepting health issues as being normal. FAT DOC IS OUT Go watch it now! We need people to buy and review for it to stay at the top of iTunes pages. Please also share it with family and friends! Available for both rental and purchase. You can also buy hardcopy or watch online at Amazon. YOU CAN NOW STREAM FOR FREE ON AMAZON PRIME IF YOU HAVE IT! RESOURCES Https:// Https:// Https:// Https:// Https:// Https://