Cedar Mill YOUTH Podcast
Latest Episodes
Advent: Joy - Luke Emery
Look encouraged listeners to seek the true joy that comes from Jesus in unexpected places and then to share that joy with others.
Advent-Peace -- Luke Emery
Luke discussed how Jesus, our Prince of Peace, can bring completeness and wholeness to us during the advent season.
The Work of the Holy Spirit - Luke Emery
Luke explains the multi-faceted work of the Holy Spirit
The Role of the Holy Spirit - Luke Emery
Luke describes the essence and nature of the Holy Spirit and explains his role in our walk with God
Who is Jesus: Part 4 - Luke Emery
Part of the reason most Jews didn't receive Jesus as their long-awaited Messiah was that they thought the Messiah would come exclusively for the Jews, especially the religious elite. However, Jesus came to set all people free, especially the outsiders.
Who is Jesus-Luke Emery
Luke presented historical and current evidence about Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. This compelling evidence strongly supports the claim that Jesus is the Son of God
Who is God-Part 2 - Luke Emery
Luke discusses God's Just and Holy nature in light of his mercy and love.
Who is God-Part 1 - Luke Emery
God, the "I AM," is the standard for all things good, true, and beautiful. We need to repent of our desire to be our own miniature "I am" and trust his wisdom and his motives.
Sermon on the Mount -The Narrow Road - Jeremiah Nealon
Jeremiah discussed the decision we need to make about whether following Jesus on the narrow road is worth it.
Sermon on the Mount: Ask, Seek, and Knock - Luke Emory
Luke discussed several big questions that arise from Jesus instruction to ask, seek, and knock. He encourages us to pray boldly, with persistence and expectancy.