Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship Church
Latest Episodes
Christmas Eve: Joy Has Dawned | John 3:16
Eight glorious truths presented in John 3:16.
Joy Has Dawned (Part 4) | John 1:14-18
This is written so that you believe that Jesus is God in the flesh and has fully revealed God's glory and grace to the world.
Joy Has Dawned (Part 3) - The Light That Leads to Life | John 1:9-13
The true light shines in the world to reveal the true God, so that we might be truly reconciled to Him.
Joy Has Dawned (Part 2) | John 1:4-8
Since we are all spiritually dead and dark with sin, we need Jesus to give us spiritual life and light.
Joy Has Dawned (Part 1) | John 1:1-3,14
This is written so you believe that Jesus is the Son of God and by believing, you receive eternal life.
A Psalm of Thanksgiving | Psalm 100
When the head knows and believes the truth about God, the heart will be full of thanksgiving and praise.
Delight Determines Direction | Psalm 1
Delight your heart in God’s word, because the delight of our hearts determines the direction of our lives.
Jesus is the Sovereign Lord! | Matthew 14:22-36
When we realize that Jesus Christ is the sovereign Lord over all things, our faith will grow in the face of fear
God With Us! | Matthew 14:13-21
Do you believe that Jesus is a compassionate shepherd and the mighty Son of God who will provide everything we need?
Speak Up! | Matthew 14:1-12
Christians who are not afraid to preach God's truth may suffer in some way and even be persecuted by the governing authorities.