Echoes from the Caverns

Echoes from the Caverns

Black Rose Chronicles 11 – by Belladonna Rose – narrated by Asclepius

September 02, 2020

Hello everyone, this is Asclepius, with the next chapter of a wonderful story from Belladonna Rose, entitledBlack Rose ChroniclesBackground music by Smartsound
Trudging down the road back towards Farmer Filmore’s she could see all manner of creatures about.Bears, wolves, rabbits and squirrels. Crops growing in the farmer’s fields. Cotton. Strange. But that is probably how he makes his living. As she reached the entrance to the road that led to the farmer’s house some bandits made their way up the road….seeing her they turned and made way into the brush.Finding their comrades on the road…dead..they must of thought better than to approach her. Funny she thought.Halfway down the path she noticed fresh graves next to the tattered shack. The farmer must have gone inside and found Darwin and Quentin and decided to bury them. With that done she decided to leave the old man alone. With a turn of the heel she went on down the main path back to the bridge.As she got close to the bridge the lady guard stepped out and met her. Sadly, Bella handed her the note she found on Quentin’s body. The poor girl was distraught. After reading the missive she scribbled a message on a scrap piece of paper and handed it to Bella.“Please take this back to the Cap’n and tell her what you found. I will remain at my post as ordered.She need not fear that I will leave. It will be my duty to avenge my poor Quentin.” She slowly turned wiping the tears from her face and took her post near the bridge.Bella tucked the note in her vest and made her way back up the hill towards the camp. A few of the foolish bandits attacked her but she easily took care of them. This time she was going to check their pockets. A few coins and trinkets. She remembered something one guard said about returning heirlooms that the bandits had stolen. She would return these as well. The guards at the edge of the rope bridge were busy with a couple of those zombie things and immediately cleared the way so she could cross over. The camp was rather peaceful when she entered just before midday.Looking to the one side of the camp the children were playing around their small campfire. She approached and stood watching for a minute. One of them stopped and looked her way.“Ohhh. It be you. The Sword Breaker. What ya be wantin from us today? Here to spoil our fun some more?” Bella gave the child a scowling look and then walked closer to them. They all stopped their dancing and looked at her with a bit of fear in their eyes.“Nay I do not wish to spoil your entertainment. I just thought you might want this.”Holding the book up over their heads they all stared in disbelief. “Is that the Bloody Bones?”All the children ran towards Bella as she teased them with the book. She laughed as they jumped up and down trying to get the book.“Gimme that book Outlander. That is ours. We needs that book so we can sing the song right.”Bella looked down at them and scowled again. “You do know that Bloody Bones is not a fairy-tale don’t you? Bloody Bones is real. And each time you sing that song it brings that creature out searching for who is singing its song. “The children looked at her with surprise. Then jumped up and down laughing and cheering.“She did it…she did it. The Outlander did it. She gots us the Bloody Bones.”It was obvious these children had no clue what they were doing. But that was none of her business one way or the other…..she tossed the book in the air and let them fight over it. Laughing over her shoulder as they scrambled about trying to hold onto the book she moved on towards the guard.The guard looked her up and down and smiled. “Thank you for giving them some glimmer of hope.They know not what they do but they just try to stay entertained best they can. Eventually we will get them to a town and have them looked after better.”Bella smiled at the guard and pulled out a small pouch and handed it to her.