CMAP Podcast

CMAP Podcast

Latest Episodes

Segmenting The Database
October 14, 2021

Role Play: Business Development Call #1
October 14, 2021

Business Development Call Basics

Top 5 Apartment Markets to Watch in 2019
May 06, 2019

CBRE's Americas Head of Multifamily Research Jeanette Rice returns to discuss her favorite multifamily markets in 2019. We discuss what attributes make these markets desirable for private investors and what markets may not currently have these strong att.

Investor Strategies: Utilizing Non-Recourse Debt
March 28, 2019

In this episode we discuss how investors can reduce risk and grow their investment portfolio by utilizing non-recourse debt with Senior Vice President, Rob Doxsee. Rob Doxsee is based in our Seattle office and has financed over $1B of commercial real est.

Top 5 Apartment Trends to Watch in 2019
February 18, 2019

CBRE’s Americas Head of Multifamily Research Jeanette Rice joins us to discuss the top trends for the multifamily market in 2019. We discuss how these trends are creating great opportunities for private investors and why she believes workforce housing is.

Why Multifamily Investors Should Consider Retail Properties
February 02, 2019

CBRE retail expert Matt LoPiccolo joins us to discuss why multifamily investors should consider investing in retail properties. Retail assets can offer attractive returns and often require less intensive day-to-day management. To receive more information.

Financing Your Apartment Investment: Tips for putting together a winning loan request
January 19, 2019

In this episode, we discuss strategies for financing your apartment investment. CBRE Vice President Sam Yee joins us to share advice on how to put together a loan request that will you give the best chance at securing financing and achieving a streamline.