Herd Around the Barn

Herd Around the Barn

The Kids Are Alright: A Day of Double Rescues at Catskill Animal Sanctuary

March 01, 2022

In this special episode, Kathy is interviewed by her podcast producer, Clare O’Brien, about Catskill Animal Sanctuary’s busy month of February! Today, they discuss:

  • The brutal ice storm that ravaged CAS, leaving the animal care team to scramble without electricity
  • The goat rescue that didn’t come together, and how rescue situations affect every member of the sanctuary team
  • The animal care team’s work supporting goats offsite before they’re rescued by other sanctuaries
  • The incredible day of DOUBLE rescues on 02/22/2022 which found CAS welcoming 6 new goats and twin newborn calves
  • Sanctuary rescue preparation and the ability to welcome new animals with limited resources

To support Catskill Animal Sanctuary’s newest residents, please consider donating a Twins Healthy-Start Pack at casanctuary.org/shop/twins/

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