Herd Around the Barn
Pigcasso: The Story of an Animal Prodigy with Joanne Lefson
While you may be familiar with her namesake and his groundbreaking artwork, have you ever heard of the world’s first PIG ARTIST? In this heart-opening episode, Kathy speaks to Joanne Lefson, founder of Farm Sanctuary South Africa, and collaborator with Pigcasso, the porcine Abstract Expressionist. Kathy and Joanne discuss:
- How Pigcasso came into Joanne’s life and shook things up when she enjoyed brushes more than toys
- Joanne’s lifelong love for animals and her journey to leading several rescue organizations, including Oscar’s Arc, inspired by the love of a shelter dog
- Pigcasso’s recent portrait of Prince Harry that has taken the internet by storm
- The process of creating art with an animal and what makes them as creative as humans
- Joanne’s goal of creating more vegans by showing them how intelligent and inspiring animals can be
To follow Pigcasso and Farm Sanctuary SA, find them on Instagram and Facebook.
Connect with Kathy Stevens:
- Facebook: Kathy Stevens, Catskill Animal Sanctuary
- Twitter: @CASanctuary
- Books: Where the Blind Horse Sings
- Website: CASanctuary.org
- Instagram: @catskill_animal_sanctuary
- YouTube: Catskill Animal Sanctuary