Catholic Apostolate Center Podcast

Catholic Apostolate Center Podcast

Latest Episodes

On Mission: Prayer During COVID-19
April 23, 2020

Fr. Frank, Kate, and Chris discuss their current prayer situations during COVID-19 and some advice for each other on how to increase prayer life in different ways in this time.

Reflection: The Easter Challenge
April 20, 2020

Project Coordinator Brian Rhude reflects upon the challenge that the Resurrection presents to us, how to imitate Jesus in service and prayer after the celebration of Easter.

Reflection: Doubt and Peace
April 17, 2020

Fr. Frank reflects on human doubt and the peace that comes from the infinite love and mercy of Christ.

Presentation: ​The Church on Call: Accompanying Parishioners through Phone Calls during Times of Separation
April 17, 2020

A conversation with three Archdiocese of Washington leaders discussing ways to accompany parishioners during this time of COVID-19.

Presentation: Pastoral Care and Evangelization During COVID-19
April 17, 2020

Center Director Fr. Frank Donio, S.A.C. and Very Rev David Caron, OP, Vicar of Evangelization, Archdiocese of New Orleans discuss some practices and advice for pastoral care. Additionally, they discuss the documents below that you can view as resources...