PODCAST: The unexpected revival in the Church of England and Wales

August 12, 2016

In this week’s Catholic Herald, Stephen Bullivant, Director of the Benedict XVI Centre for Religion and Society at St Mary’s University, Twickenham and consulting editor of the Catholic Herald wrote this week about one of the country’s most remarkable Catholic success stories.
Following the establishment of two new parishes for the Syro-Malabar community in Preston, England, Stephen wrote: “At the risk of tempting fate, I believe that we’re seeing the first fruits of a true resurgence, perhaps even a resurrection (with all that that implies), of British Catholicism. Genuine – and pleasingly diverse – signs of hope are breaking out all over Our Lady’s Dowry.”
That to me, seemed a very bold claim. I decided to telephone him and find out more. Enjoy!
0:36 What is the impact of the Syro-Malabar community on the Catholic Church in England and Wales?
2:54 What has been happening to Catholic churches in the North West of England?
4:00 Is it tense between ethnic communities and the wider church in England and Wales?
7:08 How can the Church welcome the Syro-Malabar community?
8:24 Do groups like the Syro-Malabar community reject ‘soft Catholicism?’
10:24 Shoots of life in ‘England and Wales’