Catch Good Health Radio

CGH Radio 051: Learning About the LGBTQ Community, with Advocate Chelsea Moroski
On this episode of Catch Good Health® Radio, Health Educator & Wellness Coach, Erica Haray-Butcher, talks with Chelsea Moroski, Project Coordinator with the Cortland County LGBT Resource Center, and LGBTQ Advocate.
This is a great episode for anyone who wants to learn more about the LGBTQ community, and better understand issues the community experiences. Chelsea also explains what “transgender” means, and how people who don’t identify as LGBTQ can help and support those who do.
For more information about Chelsea and the Cortland County LGBT Resource Center located in Central New York, please go to, or visit their FaceBook page.
To learn more about Erica, her one-on-one wellness coaching and worksite wellness services, or Catch Good Health® Radio, please go to You can also find Erica on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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