Catch Good Health Radio

CGH Radio 042: Author, Speaker, & Coach, Ruth Davis, on Taking Action & Getting Unstuck
Please join Health Educator & Life Coach, Erica Haray-Butcher, as she chats with Author, Speaker, & Coach, Ruth Davis, on taking action and getting unstuck.
Ruth is creating the life that she wants one moment at a time. She has spent the last ten years exploring how we hold ourselves back from pursuing our dreams, how we stay in situations that are familiar, even when we’re no longer satisfied, and how, when we live from our hearts, we are so much happier.
Ruth is also an Apple computer trainer. Her company, Mac2School, has been helping people love technology since 1987. Ruth lives full-time in her 24’ motorhome with her dog, Cody. They are currently traveling in the US, promoting Ruth’s new book, Heart Sparks: 7 Practices For Loving Your Life.
Please visit Ruth’s website at To learn more about Erica and to schedule a health consult with her, check out
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