Finding Freedom
Latest Episodes
8. Escaping the Heartache
Sometimes it feels like we are living in tension + grief of what life once was and the reality of what it now is. The questions and unknown are heavy. But this tension is revealing something- maybe we have been living to pursue comfort than the true calli
7. Should You Fast?
Fasting is something that we have elevated or of deep importance that we praise or we are proud of that if "this thing" was taken away, what would we have, where would we be, etc.
6. Good vs. God
While Jesus knew that healing brings hope + good, Jesus would still withdraw regularly to connect with HIs Father. Is there something you are navigating that is good, but are not seeking the Father regularly on His heart?
5. I have called you! Go!
Moses offered every excuse why he shouldn’t be chosen. But God called him + gave him specific for the path ahead. The first step? To be obedient before he was equipped and blessed.
Fear of Failure
Don’t be afraid to change directions. But don’t shy away just because it’s hard. Lean in and ask the tough question to yourself, “why?”
What’s Your Foundation?
Leading successfully through uncertain seasons hinges on the foundation we begin from. What is your foundation built on? What is the banner being raised in your life right now? Let’s take your authority back and claim this as a victory season for the Lord