The Castle Report

Raid on Mar-a-Lago
Darrell Castle talks about the recent raid on former President Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago in Florida.
Hello this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 19th day of August in the year of our Lord 2022. I will be talking about the recent raid on former President Donald Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago in Florida. The raid was unprecedented in American history. The raid was conducted against arguably the regime’s chief critic and political opponent: The raid was three months before a critical mid term election that is predicted to be a rebuke of the regime’s policies: The raid was conducted by the regime’s DOJ and FBI proven to be very corrupt organizations. What should we make of all this?
The first thing the raid tells us is that the FBI, the DOJ, and the Biden Administration in general are liars who can’t even keep their lies straight between them. They will only admit the truth under extreme duress and when all the lies have been exposed to the world. Beset by contradictions, obvious lies, and just plain incompetence, the many explanations offered by the FBI come apart under examination. The lies make the real reason for the raid more obvious and that is that it was a political hit job on a former president to find something, anything, to keep him from running for and perhaps winning the presidency again.
The president didn’t know about the raid, and he had nothing to do with it. The old, he didn’t know until he heard it on the news story again. The administration set out to distance the president from the raid I would suppose in a vain attempt to make it appear that he was not trying to persecute a political opponent. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told us no one at the White House was given a heads up on the raid. No, that did not happen you know, he learned about it through the media. So, we are expected to believe that the Department of Justice with the Attorney General appointed by the President did not even brief the president on a planned FBI raid of a former president’s home.
Even though the raid was something that had never happened before in American history and it was something that could perhaps change the perception of the American people toward their government forever, the president knew nothing about it. With any president other than Joe Biden that assumption would be total fantasy, but with Biden I suppose he could have been having another lite intensity day during the briefing.
For days after the raid Newsweek reported that the Attorney General, Merrick Garland, was regularly briefed on the Records Act Investigation, but he insisted he had no prior knowledge of the date and time of the raid nor was he asked to approve it. So, again, officials of the administration raid the home of a former president and neither the Attorney General nor the President knew anything about it. The Justice Department appeared to be trying to throw the FBI under the bus, but the FBI decided to not fall on its sword and started to fight back.
Finally, Merrick Garland admitted that he had approved the search warrant. “I personally approved the decision to seek a search warrant in this matter.” Why would his staff and the administration try to shield him from that by lying about it. Why do they act guilty like someone caught in the act of a sloppy burglary like Watergate. Pretending that Merrick Garland was not aware was just a bit too unbelievable and the story started to unravel.
Later the Attorney General of the United States, the head of the Department of Justice, Merrick Garland, admitted that he had pondered over the decision of the raid for weeks before giving his approval. The decision was the subject of weeks of meetings between senior Justice Department people and the FBI. In order to request a warrant from their hand-picked Florida Judge, an affidavit had to be prepared listing what was alleged to be probable cause for the search and probable cause that a crime had been committed.
What did the affidavit allege? What was the probable cause for the search? What evidence did the Department of Justice have? Their answer: you can’t be allowed to know that because it would impede our investigation. A quote from DOJ lawyers; “There remain compelling reasons, including to protect the integrity of an ongoing law enforcement investigation that implicates national security, that support keeping the affidavit sealed.”
Maybe a redacted version is possible. “The government has carefully considered whether the affidavit can be released subject to redactions. The redactions necessary to mitigate harms to the integrity of the investigation would be so extensive as to render the remaining unsealed text devoid of use.” Since the affidavit remains sealed, the media is free to report any FBI claim about what Trump was suspected of having in his possession. They clearly don’t want to release any information that would reveal their lies and cover up. Now the same judge who issued the warrant says that maybe some of the information can be released.
Why would the 30 or more FBI agents plundering through Trump’s private office and his wife’s closet and lingerie take his passports? Trump accused the FBI of taking three passports one of which was expired and one of which was diplomatic. The passports obviously had nothing to do with national security or classified documents. Quickly the press jumped in to call him a liar. CBS News claimed that “the FBI was not in possession of former president Trump’s passports.” That phrase not in possession obviously means nothing. Why not just say we didn’t take the passports.
Well, it turns out they did take the passports, but as in virtually every instance their first impression when confronted with the question was to lie. Eventually the FBI said yes, we did recover three passports which were recovered by a filter team which weeds out privileged information. So, they did take his passports which more than likely exceeded their authority. Passports are not something you just scrape into a box. Probably they were in his private safe which was force opened. The FBI now says the passports will be returned in about two weeks.
This organization, the FBI, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, looks more and more corrupt, and more and more overbearing, we are not only above the law, we are the law, every minute. We have a regime from the White House on down through the Department of Justice and the FBI that seems to take pride in conducting the affairs of government like a third world Junta. Their lying dishonesty knows no bounds except whatever it takes to get Trump and keep him out of office. This is now how our democracy, as the Democrats like to phrase it, works.
Now, let’s consider this; the need for the warrant and the raid and the seizure of personal items and boxes of documents was a pressing and emergency need to protect national security. Can that be believed if the Attorney General took weeks to consider the evidence before deciding. How serious could any threat or emergency be and yet we are denied the information. If the probable cause was solid, why hide it from the public. Why wait 18 months to start an investigation if the national security was so at issue. A fishing expedition perhaps where facts are not as important as the dirt that they hope will stick to Mr. Trump inevitably.
All this bruhaha over the FBI and DOJ plundering the private home of a former president apparently caused some people to question the FBI and DOJ, but the Attorney General was quick to come to their defense.
“Let me address recent unfounded attacks on the professionalism of the FBI and Justice Department agents and prosecutors. I will not stand by silently when their integrity is unfairly attacked. The men and women of the FBI and the Justice Department are dedicated patriotic public servants every day. They protect the American people from violent crime, terrorism and other threats to their safety while safeguarding our civil rights. They do so at great personal sacrifice and risk to themselves. I am honored to work alongside them.”
Well, Mr. Garland you should be honored to work alongside most of them because most of them are just what you say. It is they who should not be honored to work alongside you, a political hack and lackey for a corrupt administration. You do quite well with the very corrupt director of the FBI, Mr. Christopher Wray. Who ordered FBI agents to concoct the pack of lies against a sitting president known as Russia gate? Who ordered the FBI to infiltrate a group of ignorant people in Michigan and formulate a plot to kidnap the governor, set it in motion, then arrest them? Who ordered FBI agents on January 6th to infiltrate demonstrators, lead them to the Capitol, and with the assistance of the capitol police open the doors and invite them in.? Who Ordered the protection of Hillary Clinton when she bleached 30,000 classified emails and finally who protected and continues to protect Hunter Biden and other Biden family members?
I admire the agents who are out there on the front lines with bank robbers, and terrorists every day, but I don’t think much of you Mr. Garland. In fact, I don’t admire you or the FBI director Mr. Christopher Wray who recently got up and walked out of a congressional hearing because he had a plane to catch. It turns out to be the FBI Gulfstream paid for by the taxpayers and he was taking it to his vacation home, clearly illegal but he’s above all that. You should both be fired and have your home raided to see if any evidence of any crime could be found.
Finally, folks, there’s no use in belaboring this story any longer so I will close for now. My conclusion is that it is impossible to know the truth anymore because the government top to bottom is a bunch of corrupt liars. Who can say what they took and what they found, and what they planted in former President Trump’s home. No matter what they tell us they discovered it is a lie and not to be believed because they had ample time to plant anything. It is likely that Donald Trump will be indicted by a corrupt regime looking for a show trial ala the Soviet Union.
At least that’s the way I see it,
Until next time folks,
This is Darrell Castle,
Thanks for listening.