Coffee and Tea with CarrieVee
Amino Acids with Shelly Jo Wahlstrom - Part 5 - TRYPTOPHAN
Today we're joined by Shelly Jo Wahlstrom for Part 5 of our amino acids series! I'll link the other parts below!
Shelly Jo became a Hypnotherapist & Coach after years of struggling with sugar addiction, hoarding, and yo-yo dieting she found relief through these tools. As a mother, she went to the depths of Hell and back fighting for her daughter's life against addiction. She discovered how to help her daughter survive and thrive in a sober life. Now, she is passionate about helping others find the joy she and her family experience.
Parts 1, 2, 3, & 4 of the series:
Contact Shelly!
Feed Your Brain, Change Your Life Book
Better Business Builder:
Radical Empowerment Method Book on Amazon:
Contact CarrieVee!
IG: @iamcarrievee
LI and FB: Carrie Verrocchio