Highlights of the Carolina Outdoors

Highlights of the Carolina Outdoors

Largemouth Bass in the Summer with Christian Giglia

June 28, 2024

S3, June 29th, 2024

We’re about to talk about a fish that’s olive-green with dark blotches that form a stripe along their side.  Its lower jaw protrudes forward & upward with a mouth that opens wide to take in the bait fish, scuds, bream, & other fish.  That mouth opening is where it gains its name, The LARGEMOUTH BASS.

Christian Giglia has grown up fishing the sunny south & the Carolinas.  From the bass ponds of the golf course to the area lakes from the Carolina coast inland to the piedmont, Giglia spoke to host Bill Bartee about bass fishing in the summer.

Show Highlights:

  • It’s been an excellent bit for Bass in the summer of 2024
  • Giglia says that it mornings & late afternoon are the active time for bass
  • Anglers should look for coverage
  • Popping frogs, buzz baits, & top water are all working
  • Bass is one of the top sportfish in the world & the Carolinas and southeast are a great place for fishing
  • Lake anglers with a boat may fish docks or head out into deep water with electronics

Remember to check out sun protective clothing that is available.  Thank you to the sponsor of the Carolina Outdoors, the local Charlotte outfitter, Jesse Brown’s.

If you plan on getting outdoors remember to take comfortable footwear & wear sun protective clothing.