Highlights of the Carolina Outdoors

Highlights of the Carolina Outdoors

Trees Charlotte with Executive Director Jane Singleton Myers

November 16, 2023

Segment 3, November 18th, 2023

Studies show that being around trees lowers stress, improves focus, & invites calming feelings.

Also, people that take breaks in a green environment have more task consistency & make less errors that those that take breaks looking at concrete.

Listeners to the Carolina Outdoors may be bird watchers, deer hunters, hikers, or just like a tree for shade on a sunny day.

Bill Bartee from the Charlotte outdoor store, Jesse Brown’s & host of the Carolina Outdoors had a chance to speak with the Executive Director of Trees Charlotte, Jane Singleton Myers.  She took  over the local non-profit that advocates for trees.

Things You’ll Learn by Listening:

Show Highlights:

  • Jane is known as the “Tree Lady” to many.  A credit to her step-daughter when she became the Trees Charlotte leader
  • Charlotte has been called the “City of Trees”
  • Her outlook on the recent report listing a tree canopy decline in Charlotte the past four years (2018-2022) from 47.8% to 47.3%
  • How Trees help limit sick days, ADHD, Asthma, & traffic speeds
  • The seasons for a tree & what happens each season
  • What’s a Tree Master with Trees Charlotte?  A Tree Ambassador?
  • Although it is not managed directly by Trees Charlotte, the Treasure Tree program helps promote special trees in the area.
  • Education about tree maintenance, health, & importance is something that Trees Charlotte is expandingMore Insights from the Outdoor Guys: 

  • Tree Plantings through Trees Charlotte are a great way to team build for corporate groups, clubs, families, & more.  

The Carolina Outdoors is brought to you by Jesse Brown’s.  Check out this Charlotte outdoor store located in the Southpark-area.