Carnival of Randomness

Carnival of Randomness

Adrianna Noone & Juniper (Redux)

May 30, 2022

Happy Memorial Day. New stuff will be coming next week, but for now enjoy a vintage cut.

More new guests! This week in studio we're joined by the very talented Adrianna Noone and her faithful companion Juniper. We talk influences, beginnings, music loves, dogs... you name it. Come down the musical road with us once again to learn more about a new person and a very talented artist. You can find her music all over the place, so definitely check it out. You'll be glad you did.

Stay tuned after the podcast for a live perfomance from Adrianna. Off a soon-to-be-released album, we are proud to present "Honey". Sit back and enjoy, follow her to listen to more music and continue to stay safe and support local businesses and musicians.

Song used with permission, all rights to Adrianna Noone.

Carnival of Randomness:

Adrianna on Soundcloud:

Adrianna on YouTube: