Carnival of Randomness

Carnival of Randomness

Opie & Zach's Booze Talk Episode 1: The State of Beer

July 06, 2020

Hello Randomers and Randomites.

Fulfilling our promise from last week, Opie is back and we start off a brand new show talking many things booze. In this premier episode, we start off talking about the state of beer, both macro and microbrews, in this time of quarantine, then we get distracted as we tend to do, but we eventually bring everything back to not just booze but beer in general. There's going to be a lot more to come, so share your favorite beers below. Remember what Benjamin Franklin said... "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." Na zdorovie!

Carnival of Randomness

This episode was sponsored by Opsitnick & Associates. Lawyers and advocates for you, the people, for 40 years. Visit them on Facebook or their website