Carnival of Randomness

Carnival of Randomness

Time for Chat with Cat and Pat Episode 2: Arrival and Departure

July 01, 2019

Hello Randomers and Randomites.

Live from the multiverse, we're back with Cat and Pat for some more chat. But we're joined by the arrival of another guest, Suzi Willpower has returned! So naturally we just launch into a talk about movies, TV, music, etc. because that's what friends do when they get together. And sadly we must bid a farewell to one of our dear friends, Caitlin Yarsky, as she moves on to a new chapter in her life and career and will create many more great comics like "Coyotes" was. But mind you, this is not goodbye! This is merely a see you soon, as she'll be back on the show in the future. Stay tuned for more things from her because we know you're going to love them. Bon Voyage!

Stay tuned after the podcast for a song from yet another new friend of the Carnival, Katie Jones. From her album "Take Care of My Love" we are proud to present "Lost in the Way." Find her and show her some love and support.

Used with permission, copyright to Katie Jones.



Coyotes on Image

Suzi & Anonymous Willpower:




Check out the upcoming show "The Heavy Entertainment Show" inspired by the songs of Robbie Williams. July 25th to 27th at MuCCC (Multi-use Community Cultural Center):

142 Atlantic Ave.

Rochester, NY 14607

- Info and Tickets

- DVC Theatre Company

This episode was sponsored by Opsitnick & Associates. Lawyers and advocates for you, the people, for 40 years. Visit them on Facebook or their website




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