Carnival of Randomness

Carnival of Randomness

Episode 42 - Random Sports Leagues

June 17, 2019

Hello Randomers and Randomites.

What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here? We'll tell you what it is. We're talking random sports leagues, focusing on ones that aren't in the Big 4 as it were. We're talking weird leagues that came and mostly went, including those that didn't even make it the full season, and the future of where some of these sports could go. Soccer, wrestling, football, hockey... you name it and we probably either talked about it or meant to and forgot.

So keep on watching sports and who knows what leagues we might see in the future. But if the World Wide Tiddlywink Federation comes out, you better believe we're going to be a part of it.

Also, stay tuned to our YouTube channel for the debut of a new yet-to-be-named series where we finally play D&D with some of your favorite repeating guests!

This episode was sponsored by Opsitnick & Associates. Lawyers and advocates for you, the people, for 40 years. Visit them on Facebook or their website




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