The Doers Journey Podcast with Carlos Frank

The Doers Journey Podcast with Carlos Frank

Latest Episodes

025. Sam Crowley: How To Uncomplicate Your Life with Simplicity & Momentum
October 06, 2020

In this episode you’re going to hear the incredible journey of Sam Crowley! Sam is a self proclaimed “ex-stuttering college drop out” who has literally created a “Every Day Is Saturday” lifestyle and worldwide movement!

024. Jason Cardamone: The Power of Discovering, Knowing and Living By Your Personal Values
September 29, 2020

Values is something you tend to only hear about in a business setting. However if you do some research you will discover that discovering, knowing and living by your own personal values is one of the most powerful things you can do in your life.

023. Jason O’Neil: The Power of One Percent Improvement & Outsourcing to Free Up Your Time & Explode Your Results
September 21, 2020

If someone told you that you could dramatically improve your life just by focusing on improving yourself 1% consistently over time, would you believe them? After you’re done listening to this episode with eCommerce entrepreneur and founder of E-com Sol...

022. Let Your Light Shine – It Can Help Change Yours & Someone Else’s Life
September 14, 2020

In this episode of we talk about the importance and meaning behind you letting your light shine! The poem below from Marianne Williamson summarizes it very well. “Our Deepest Fear” By Marianne Williamson Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

021. Punch Your Excuse in the Face – Three Ways to Overcome Excuses so You Can Get Things Done
September 07, 2020

In this episode we will discuss how to “punch you excuses in the face” so you can get things done. An excuse can get in the way of what you currently have and what you really want. That’s why it’s important for us to discuss this and find ways to get p...

020. Robert Killian Jr. : Keys to Being the Best Spouse & Parent You Can Be While Pursuing Other High Level Goals – Lessons from a Spartan Race World Champion
August 31, 2020

Many people struggle when it comes to balancing work life with home life. Is it possible to be the best in your field and still give your best to your family at home? In this episode Spartan Race world champion and pro athlete Robert Killian Jr.

019. Adrian Peterson: How To Overcome Obstacles in Your Life with Hard Work & The You vs. You Mentality
August 24, 2020

In this episode you will hear my conversation with college football legend, Adrian Peterson. Adrian is a two time National Champion & four time All American who played for Georgia Southern University. What’s even more amazing than what he’s done on the...

018. Scott Sutter: RunBuddy App Co-Creator Shares Business & Mobile App Building Tips
August 18, 2020

Scott Sutter is a husband, father, serial entrepreneur and co-creator of the RunBuddy App. The app is a “personal GPS alarm system built specifically for the endurance sport community”. In this episode Scott not only shares the RunBuddy origin story,

017. Zach Young: Secret Agent Entrepreneur Reveals C.I.A. & 7 Secrets To Making Lots of Money
August 10, 2020

Have you ever wondered how some people just seem to have a knack for making lots of money. It seems like whatever they touch turns to gold! In this episode you will hear my conversation with one of those people.

016. Drive vs. Motivation – Which One Is The Key To Helping You Achieve Your Goals?
August 04, 2020

In this episode we will discuss the difference between drive and motivation. Which one will get you started vs. which one will keep you going and pass the finish line no matter what! Episode Highlights: What is the definition of Motivation What is the ...
