Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

5?:5Min46: Response to GOP Debate

October 30, 2015

Although we're exploring running for President (see our Platform for America at: we weren't invited to the recent Republican debate. Never fear, we've taken five key questions or ideologies from the debate and answered them here in five minutes (more or less -- accent on the more).
Tune in as we respond to the GOP ideology by answering the five following questions...
1) What's your greatest weakness?
2) 10% flat tax will skyrocket the deficit how would you make the numbers work?
3) How do you explain that your tax plan is similar to Ted Cruz?
4) Should the retirement age be raised to keep social security solvent?
5) Republicans argue that government rarely works better than the private sector. Hence the need to make govt as small as possible. Why are they wrong?
Got a question for Carl and Mike? Tweet your questions to @carlandmike or email them to
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