Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

5?:5Min35: Politics, Sex, Religion, Oh My!

September 24, 2015

Carl and Mike tackle three subjects near and dear to their hearts -- politics, sex and religion. In this episode Carl and Mike try to answer the following five questions in just five minutes...
1) Who do you think will be the dem and GOP candidates and their running mates in the general election?
2) Is sex on a first date more socially acceptable?
3) What would Jesus do if he were in your shoes?
4) Who will fill the political humor void now that Jon Stewart is gone?
5) Do you have any fears about being wrong about your spiritual beliefs? Explain.
Got a question for Carl and Mike? Any question is fair game. Email your questions to: Or tweet your question(s) to @carlandmike