Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

5?:5Min29: Vampires vs Zombies

August 28, 2015

In Vampires vs Zombies, Carl and Mike take a break for their exploration campaign on running for President of the United States to answer some recent viewer questions. They tackle these five mind-bending questions…
1) If a vampire bites a zombie and a zombie bites a vampire – what happens in each case?     —Dave Ozolins
2) If you were homeless, what would your sign say?
—Willie Baronet Homeless Advocate at:
3) Are you and Innie or Outie?
4) What is a question that has no answer?
5) Who let the dog out?
Got a question for Carl and Mike? All questions are fair game! To ask your question(s) email: questions [at] carlandmike [dot] net or twitter us @carlandmike
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