Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

5?:5MIn25: Presidential Vetting Questions Edition

July 21, 2015

If you’re going to explore running for President you need to go through a vetting process. Normally these Presidential vetting questions can be quite extensive, but we’re going to vet ourselves by answering the following five, painfully probing, questions in just five minutes.
As part of our exploring running for President we’ll be posting additional episodes shortly outlining some of our ideas for our country. In the meantime we invite you to do the following.
1. Learn about our beliefs and Vision for America by reading our Belief Manifesto at:
2. If you like what you read, support us at: (unlike other “competitors” everyone who supports us gets some kind of reward).
3. Join in the Conversation on social media (we’re everywhere via carlandmike) or email us at: questions [at] carlandmike [dot] net
4. Help take back the responsibility we have handed over. We need you to tweet, like, share, post, and get the word out about Carl and Mike to turn this from an “exploration” into a full-fledged campaign and movement!
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