Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

5?:5Min17: Deep Thoughts, Shallow Answers

July 01, 2015

In this episode we answer some fairly deep questions in our usual shallow way! Think along for yourself as Carl and Mike answer...
1) What's the difference between living and existing?
2) What do you need and what can you do without ?
3) Are you good with change or do you fight it?
4) What makes you happy?
5) Do you speak your mind or hold things in? And why?
Got questions for Carl and Mike? All questions are fair game. Email your questions to: or tweet them to @carlandmike
Want more Carl and Mike? Check out of full-length audio podcast where we riff, rant and rave on politics, sex, religion, current events and culture. Carl and Mike on iTunes, Stitcher, Soundcloud.