Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

5?:5Min: Misspelled Words, Killing Sprees, and Tallywackers

June 11, 2015

In this episode questions run from the absurd to the irritating to the whacked —as in tallywackers! Listen in as Carl and Mike answer these five questions…
1) If a word was misspelled in the dictionary how would you know?
2) You're on a psychotic killing spree, what music is playing in the background?
3) If you were a dog, what breed of dog would you be?
4) What irritates you about other people and how do you deal with it?
5) Tallywackers, a male version of Hooters, opened in Texas, will it attract more men or women?
Got a question for Carl and Mike? Any question is fair game. Tweet your question to @carlandmike or place it on our website at:
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