Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

Carl and Mike | Comedy | Commentary | Politics | Sex | Religion | Culture

5?:5Min: Stupidest Questions from Yahoo Answers

June 04, 2015

Every day thousands upon thousands of people find answers to their questions on Yahoo Answers. However along the way people ask some of the strangest, most ridiculous and stupidest questions you could ever imagine. 
In this episode, Carl and Mike answer five of the stupidest questions ever asked on Yahoo Answers in five minutes. Get ready to shake your head in wonder and laugh your *blank* off as Carl and Mike answer, not one, not two, but five of the most surreally bizarre, totally ridiculous questions you're ever likely to hear!
Got a question (or five) for Carl and Mike? Alll questions are fair game. Tweet your question to @carlandmike or post it to our Facebook page at carlandmike or in the comments on our website at: