Career IQ 's Podcast

Career IQ 's Podcast

Latest Episodes

Learning from fear to step into growth - Mingly Chung
July 16, 2023

Fear often stops us from getting out of our comfort zone. Tune in as we talk to Mingly Chung on learning from fear, and get ready to step into growht!

Leadership & change management - Herrick Henriquez
July 16, 2023

In this episode we talk to Herrick on the topic of leadership and change management. Herrick explains what change management is how we can better embrace change and tips to manage as a leader.

Eye Health & Entrepreneurship - Stephanie Thiel, Optometrist and Orthoptist
July 16, 2023

Tune in as we talk to Stephanie Thiel on her career journey , the challenges of entrepreneurship, finding balance and important tips for your eye health.

Job Crafting & Entrepreneurship - Atan Lee JR.
July 15, 2023

Den e episodio aki, hosts Darice y Darysse ta combersa cu Atan Lee jr, riba e topico di job crafting, entrepreneurship y sigui differente passion.

Medical Career & Prevention - Dr. Julian Torres Rivas - Radiotherapeut Oncoloog
July 15, 2023

In this episode we talk to Dr. Julian Torres Rivas on his career, background, and also prevention tips.we'll learn about his journey in getting into Oncology and career learnings. The path towards success is not always a straight.Get some tips on w

Running a business with friends - Queeny Bergen & Zilha Wever Piso 3
April 18, 2023

Join Career IQ hosts - Kareline vd Linden y Darice Solognier - hunto cu Queeny y Zilha ariba e topico di haci negoshi cu amistad of famia.Den e episodio aki Queeny y Zilha a conta nos con nan a bin cu e idea pa haci negoshi hunto, kico nan ta les nan cu

Journey Back to Work for Moms - Laura Tromp Parenthood Consultant & Coach
April 17, 2023

Den episodio aki Career IQ show hosts Kareline vd Linden y Darice Solognier hunto cu invitado Laura Tromp a toca e tema di "back to work" pa mama nan y tambe a papia di con mama nan por prepara nan mes pa ora nan mester bay back trabou despues d

Public Speaking Tips - Anthony Martina
April 15, 2023

Den e episodio aki nos guest speaker Anthony, miembro di Orua Toastmaster Club ta duna nos tips di con pa mehora papia den publico.Abo tambe ta bisa hopi uhm ora bo ta papia dilanti un grupo. Tune in y haya sa con abo tambe por mehora bo habilidad di dun

Entrepreneurship - From Idea to Reality Gino Montsanto Keda Keto
April 15, 2023

Tune in y join Career IQ show hosts Darice Solognier y Darysse Croes hunto cu nos invitado special Gino Montsanto -ariba e topico di Entrepreneurship -" from idea to reality"Gino Montsanto ta e creador di e ice cream Keda Keto y den e episodio a

Career Jumps and Navigating Today's Workfoce -Elienne Krozendijk Croes -Medwork
April 14, 2023

Den e episodio aki Career IQ Show hosts - Kareline vd Linden y Darysse Croes a tene un combersacion super ameno cu Elienne Krozendijk- Croes HR Manager na MedWork.Nos a toca e tema di career jumps, con pa negosha den un job interview, con pa presenta bo m