Career IQ 's Podcast

Career IQ 's Podcast

Latest Episodes

Building Resilience - Sjeidy Feliciano
December 17, 2023

Den e episodio aki Sjeidy ta conta nos di su experiencia y carera, con e ta adapta na retonan dificil, y lesnan clave cu a convirtie den un persona mas resiliente!

Building a career in media - Erin Croes
December 17, 2023

Den e episodio aki Erin ta comparti cu nos su trajectoria den e mundo di media cu mas di 35 aa di experiencia. Erin ta comparti tipsnan valioso pa mejora den bo carera, e importancia di consistencia, y ta un hende reliable y cumpli cu bo palabra semper.

Equality & Inclusivity in the workplace - Bruce Ponson & Lydianne Croes
December 11, 2023

Den e episodio aki Bruce Ponson y Lydianne Croes di Fundacion Orguyo Aruba ta comparti cu nos informacion di Fundacion Orguyo y nan meta principal, y ta comparti algun tips di con pa crea un cultura unda tin inclusividad y igualdad.

All about insurance - Cefrenne & Pauline Arendsz
December 05, 2023

Den e episodio aki Pauline y Cefrenne ta conta nos di tur cos cu bo mester sa over di seguro pa Negoshi pero tambe riba base personal.Nan ta comparti e beneficio di cumpra via un broker, y differente tips riba maneha bo negoshi y maneha un "family busine

Building a sustainable business - Tyson Lopez
November 12, 2023

On this episode Tyson explains the definition of sustainability and gives us tips on building a more sustainable business, and tips on what you can do at home to be more sustainable.

Finding Joy in work - Marielle Lacle
October 26, 2023

In this episode, hosts Kareline & Darysse talk to Marielle about finding joy in work.How a career switch made her experience complete fulfillment and to remember that it's never too late to pursue what you are really passionate about.

Climbing the corporate ladder - Rachel Maduro
October 21, 2023

In this episode we talk to managing partner at Grant Thornton Aruba , Rachel Maduro. Rachel shares her career journey with us , attributes that contributed to her success and shares tips on what you can do to encourage growth in your career

Embracing career growth - Noemi Tromp
October 21, 2023

Den e episodio aki Noemi ta conta nos di su trayectoria den su carera cuminsando den e departamento di activities , y creciendo te awe den e posicion di Marketing Manager. Noemi ta share cu nos tips , y tambe pasonan clave cu a yude den su carera.

Managing a personal brand - Rocco Franken & Buddy Love
October 15, 2023

Den e episodio aki nos ta papia cu Rocco y Buddy riba maneja nan marca personal , e obstaculonan cu nan ta encontra y tambe tips pa esnan cu kier sigui un carera den wowo publico .