Cardboard and Wine

31 | Second Chance (The Game and Let’s Just Call This Season 2)
We’re back! It’s been almost a year since our last episode. What did we miss? We’ll just say the first 30 episodes were Season 1, and like any TV show worth its salt, we wanted you to wait a year for the next season. Ok not really… we got busy, things got crazy, 2020 happened, but here we are and we’re looking forward to talking with you again about wine and board games!
This week’s featured game is á propos, Second Chance , a flip-and-write tetris-fest by legendary game designer, Uwe Rosenberg. What started as an impulsive beach-week purchase turned into a game we’ve played an awful lot over the past month. Are we still eager to give it a go or ready to bury on the back of the shelf? We discuss this, as well as our recent foray (along with the rest of the world) into online gaming including our experiences playing 18xx games online with
All this while enjoying one of our favorite wines of the quarantine, the Paris Valley Road Founders’ Blend.
Connect with us: Send us a tweet @boardandwine, follow us on Instagram @cardboardandwine, or join us in our BGG Guild!
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