CannaInsider - Interviews with the Business Leaders of The Legal Cannabis, Marijuana, CBD Industry

CannaInsider - Interviews with the Business Leaders of The Legal Cannabis, Marijuana, CBD Industry

Ep 297 - Cannabis Trend: Hotels Are Finally Saying Yes to Cannabis

April 06, 2020

While hotels have prohibited cannabis use for years, it’s now considered a benefit many guests are demanding. Here to tell us about it is Matthew Singer of tökr, an app that creates a personalized cannabis experience based on individual preferences. Learn more at  Key Takeaways: Matthew’s background in cannabis and how he came to start tökr  An inside look at tökr’s premium cannabis delivery marketplace How COVID-19 is affecting the cannabis environment in California and beyond How the hotel industry’s stance on cannabis use is changing in the US Ways in which boutique hotels are leading the charge for on-site cannabis use from trusted vendors Cannabis consumer behavior in hotels and what’s trending right now Matthew’s opinion on California’s black market problem and what needs to be done to fix it Why brands have a hard time telling their story in dispensaries and how tökr is working to solve this Where tökr currently is in the capital-raising process