CannaInsider - Interviews with the Business Leaders of The Legal Cannabis, Marijuana, CBD Industry

CannaInsider - Interviews with the Business Leaders of The Legal Cannabis, Marijuana, CBD Industry

Ep 289 - California: The Hunger Games of Cannabis, Here's Who Survives...

January 27, 2020

Is California the Hunger Games of cannabis? In the face of regulatory failure in California, black market cannabis thrives as licensed sellers and growers - much like the pledges in the Hunger Games - compete to survive in a dangerous world controlled by The Capitol (Sacramento). So what happens next? Will state leaders see the error in their ways or will dispensaries and cultivators unite to force a change? Here to help us answer this is Seibo Shen, CEO of Hanu Labs. Learn more at  Seibo Shen's new product The Hanu Stone from Key Takeaways: Seibo’s background and how he came to enter the cannabis space How California’s cannabis market has evolved over the last few years Disadvantages that licensed growers and dispensaries deal with compared to those in the black market How the black market has impacted the vaping crisis Why so many cannabis businesses are undergoing financial difficulties Slotting fees and why brands must pay to get their products on dispensary shelves An inside look at Hanu Labs and its new, award-winning personal vaporizer How Hanu Labs is unique to other big players in the pod manufacturing space Where Seibo sees California’s cannabis market heading in the next few years