Cannabis Entrepreneur Show » News About Entrepreneurs of the Legal Cannabis, Marijuana, Weed and Hem

Cannabis Entrepreneur Show » News About Entrepreneurs of the Legal Cannabis, Marijuana, Weed and Hem

CE001 Revisited - Joe is actually Scott Jacobs

September 30, 2013

Show Notes

Revisited - I have a confession. My pen name has been Joe Jameson but Im coming out to tell you I'm Scott Jacobs. Everything in the past episode is true about me except the part about a friend that showed me about web development. Ive been studying web development and new age web systems for nearly 5 years straight.

Thanks For Your Understanding!


This is the first episode of The Cannabis Entrepreneur Show. I thought it would be proper for me to answer the questions. So listen and you can get to know me better.

For my other guest entrepreneurs I will be having all the links to there sites and suggestions.

Transcription will be coming in the future.

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