Cannabis Entrepreneur Show » News About Entrepreneurs of the Legal Cannabis, Marijuana, Weed and Hem

Cannabis Entrepreneur Show » News About Entrepreneurs of the Legal Cannabis, Marijuana, Weed and Hem

CE000 - Test Episode

July 15, 2013

Show Notes

Hello Listeners

This is Joe Jameson of the Cannabis Bee Network. Very Soon. We are launching The Cannabis Entrepreneur Show .This is just a test episode to get the feeds going and into the different podcast apps and programs.

The Show will be interviewing entrepreneurs of the fast growing Green Rush legal cannabis and hemp industries. We will have the same 14 standard questions for all episodes. We will be learning how all these entrepreneurs got started, how they get through their day, How they are employing many many people and families and much more.

The Biggest thing you will find out is these entrepreneurs are far from LAZY Pot HEADS!

We are scheduling interview right now. If you're a Green Rush Entrepreneur and want to be interviewed feel free to email use at

Please subscribe so when the first episode is published you will be set to go to receive it.

You will find the home of the show at or and always at

Until the first episode

You all have a good day good night by by
Now Go Pollinate The World
Joe Jameson

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