Unsigned WA

Unsigned WA

Canary Radio WA – Episode #66 – The Plastic Attraction, Spilt Cities, Shannon James

November 30, 2017

Welcome to December peeps! That's right, I said peeps. Can you believe that Christmas is right around the corner? Like it's right there. You can almost touch it.

Anyway, we've got some more crackin tunes for you this fortnight from some more of Perth's fine independent musicians.

We've got the final track for our Feature Artist, Spilt Cities, another track from The Plastic Attraction and a new submission from Shannon James who we haven't had on the show before. So enjoy!

Oh, and a huge thanks to everyone that came down to our very first live show, Uncaged Vol. 1. It was a great night, filled with some superb music from this year's feature artists. Cheers to Yalla Yalla, Big Girl's Blouse, The Psychotic Reactions and Spilt Cities for coming along, and to the Basso Hotel for having us. We're looking forward to Uncaged Vol 2. More details coming on that one.

If you haven't already, make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel to catch our brand new video segment, Gigs From The Couch. We're bringing you a weekly dose of what's going on around town and the local venues. Good times.

Songs in this episode

The Plastic Attraction - No Foresight
Spilt Cities - The Drifter
Shannon James - Emily's Song

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