Calvary Church Los Gatos

Calvary Church Los Gatos

Philippians | June 30, 2024

June 30, 2024

What a joy to come together this morning, engage with our Heavenly Father, and hear from Pastor Danny as he took us through Philippians 2:1-11. In the passage, Paul is asking the church of Philippi to be like-minded with one another, being one in spirit and of one mind, to do nothing out of selfish ambition, to value others above themselves. How would the church in Philippi, how do we as followers of Jesus, love each other completely, unify and link arms with one another, pressing forward together?

The way we approach that unity is through relying on the Spirit and taking on the mind of Christ – the inner conviction that determines the outer behavior. We cannot do this in our own strength, but it is possible by this incredible uniting force, this supernatural force, that is God’s very Spirit living in each of us.