Calvary Church Los Gatos

Calvary Church Los Gatos

Philippians | June 23, 2024

June 23, 2024

This morning we were blessed to hear from Pastor Danny as together, we looked at Philippians 1:21-30. In the passage, Paul introduces that to live as citizens of the Kingdom, to live our story in light of Jesus’ story, is often backwards to the way we’ve been conditioned by the world. Paul is encouraging the Philippians not to stay away from others with different views, beliefs, ethnicities, socioeconomics, or otherwise, but to enter into culture and stand firm together, giving allegiance to the good news of Jesus. This encouragement and opportunity is the same for us today; to enter into culture as loyal citizens of the Kingdom of God. We invite you to listen to the message below and hear more about how we can live our story in light of and aligned with Jesus’ story, facing whatever lies ahead with confidence, as our allegiance shifts from the kingdom of the world to the Kingdom of God.