Calvary Chapel Casa Grande Sunday
Latest Episodes
Called for the Task (A)
Titus was sent to set things in order on the isle of Crete, located to the east of Greece, at the co...
How Much Does God Really Love Me? (A)
Do you ever ask "Why Me" in the midst of a trial? Mike Stangel is pastor of North Shore Christian ...
Communicating the Gospel, Even in Death (A)
Man has verbally communicated since his creation in the Garden. Then beyond verbal communication, ea...
Paul's Swan Song (A)
The Apostle Paul was anything but silent during his life, but the words of 2 Timothy have often been...
The Last Days Church - Today (A)
There is a lot of talk about “The Last Days” going on in many churches these days. We look at th...
Called For Honorable Use (A)
As Paul had earlier warned Timothy about the false teachers, their false doctrines and the impact on...
A Faithful Focus (A)
If there is one thing that would make the Church more affective in the world at present, it would be...
An Empowered Ministry (V)
Throughout the Bible there are names mentioned that we know very little about: no background; no his...