California MCLE Podcast

California MCLE Podcast

Newsworthiness – Press Freedom v. Privacy

June 01, 2022

Press Freedom vs. Privacy—Newsworthiness in a Self-Publishing Era (Part 2)

An interview with Prof. Amy Gajda

The First Amendment provides broad but not absolute freedom of press protections. Louis Brandeis and Samuel Warren first famously articulated the right to privacy in 1890, a “right to be let alone” from undue prying by the press in private matters. While historically the press has enjoyed considerable latitude in determining what is newsworthy and publishable, there have been recent movements in the courts to constrict press freedoms and broaden individual privacy rights. Professor Amy Gajda of Tulane Law School examines how the concept of newsworthiness has evolved and what happens to press freedoms when “quasi-journalists,” self-publishers, bloggers and the like who don’t abide by traditional ethics codes overstep the editorial line.

(Credits: 0.5 General MCLE)