California SLAPP Law
Latest Episodes
SLAPP014 – Interaction Between the Communications Decency Act and Anti-SLAPP Motions
In Episode 14 of the California SLAPP Law Podcast, we begin with a discussion of the interplay between anti-SLAPP motions and the Communications Decency Act. The topic came up because of another anti-SLAPP victory we enjoyed this week at Morris & Ston...
SLAPP013 – Bench Warrant Arrest Not Protected Activity under Anti-SLAPP Statute
In Episode 13 of the California SLAPP Law podcast (should I have skipped 13, like they do in buildings?), we cover a lot of information that will be useful to any litigator. Although not directly related to SLAPP law and anti-SLAPP motions,
SLAPP012 – Three Ways to Bring an Anti-SLAPP Motion Against an Ambiguous Complaint
Sometimes you just know that a SLAPP is hiding in the complaint, but the complaint is so ambiguous that the SLAPP allegations are unclear. What to do? In this episode, I tell you how to file an anti-SLAPP motion against an ambiguous complaint,
SLAPP011 – Six Tips to Win Your Motion for Attorney Fees Following an Anti-SLAPP Motion
In Episode 11 of the California SLAPP Law Podcast, I provide you with six tips to win your attorney fee motions following a successful anti-SLAPP motion. There are so many unscrupulous attorneys who inflate their fee applications,
SLAPP010 – Travolta and Yelp Anti-SLAPP Motions
In this week’s podcast, we look at two unsuccessful anti-SLAPP motions that were decided this week, and examine where the attorneys went wrong. Yelp continues to get into mischief. In Episode 4 of the California SLAPP Law Podcast,
SLAPP009 – Scope of Discovery after Anti-SLAPP Motion
It was a great anti-SLAPP week at Morris & Stone. Today we discuss two of our motions, and the result of last week's Evil Yogurt Maker case. We will examine the scope of discovery following the filing of an anti-SLAPP motion,
SLAPP008 – An Anti-SLAPP Motion Against an Evil Yogurt Shop
A client found me while searching for information about California Code of Civil Procedure section 425.17, proving that clients do some very sophisticated research on their legal issues. Changing the facts to protect the privacy of my client,
SLAPP007 – Proving Actual Malice in a Defamation Action – Makaeff v. Trump University
A great anti-SLAPP decision that has been five years in the making. In this podcast, we discuss the case of Makaeff v. Trump University, which contains an outstanding discussion of limited public figures and meeting the standard for showing actual mali...
SLAPP006 – CalPERS v. Moody’s – Is an Opinion Always Protected Speech Under the Anti-SLAPP Statute?
With the wisdom of a penny-stock investor trying out day-trading for the first time, the brilliant financial minds at CalPERS (California Public Employees’ Retirement System) decided to dump more than a billion dollars into three “structured investment...
SLAPP005 – Anti-SLAPP Decisions for First Quarter of 2014
We're not even done with the fifth month of 2014, and California already has 12 reported decisions arising from anti-SLAPP appeals. In the 5th Episode of the California SLAPP Law Podcast, we discuss four anti-SLAPP decisions. -