Calhoun Baptist Church

Calhoun Baptist Church

Latest Episodes

A Unified Calling; A Unified Church
March 08, 2015

In his sermon titled "A Unified Calling; A Unified Church", Brother Dave continued his series in Acts reading from Acts 4:23-31. As a church we should be unified as we strive to fulfill the Great Commission. Please join us again next week as Brother Dave

The Treasure in a Field
March 01, 2015

Brother Dave preached today from the book of Matthew 13:44 in his sermon titled, "The Treasure in a Field". We hope you will enjoy his sermon and we hope you will join us again next week for another moving message.

What Shall We Do?
February 22, 2015

In his sermon titled, "What Shall We Do?" Pastor Dave preached from the book of Acts 4:14-22. As a church we should act in unity to reach the lost individuals in our community. We hope that you will be moved by Pastor Dave's sermon, and we hope that it wi

Been with Jesus
February 15, 2015

This week Brother Dave continued his series in Acts with his sermon titled "Been with Jesus"; and preached from the book of Acts 4:5-13. Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus? Do you spend time with Him in prayer and in scripture? We hope Brother

The Two Responses
February 09, 2015

Pastor Dave continued in Acts this week preaching from the book of Acts 4:1-4 in his sermon titled "The Two Responses". We apologize but during the recording of this week's podcast we encountered some technical difficulties with our microphones. Part of t

Acting in Ignorance, and Turning in Repentance
February 01, 2015

Pastor Dave preached from the book of Acts 3:17-26 in his sermon titled "Acting in Ignorance, and Turning in Repentance". We trust that his message will bless you as it has us and we hope you will listen again next week.

In Jesus Name
January 25, 2015

This week Brother Dave continued preaching in the book of Acts in his sermon titled, "In Jesus Name". We trust you will enjoy his message as we have and we hope you will return the next week for another inspiring sermon.

What I Have I Give To You
January 18, 2015

This week Pastor Dave preached from the book of Acts 3:1-10. Is your life centered in prayer? If you want to be effective, and want to change the lives of the people around you then you must pray. We trust Brother Dave's message will bless you and we hope

A Model Church
January 11, 2015

This week Brother Dave read from the book of Acts in his sermon titled "A Model Church". Brother Dave urges us all to pray for someone, and to pray for our community and ourselves. We hope you will enjoy Brother Dave's message and we hope it will encourag

Guest Speaker Bill Ragland
January 04, 2015

This week guest speaker Gideon Bill Ragland from the Clinton Camp brought the message. We thank Brother Ragland for his service and we hope you will enjoy his message.