Calhoun Baptist Church

Calhoun Baptist Church

Latest Episodes

Unity of the Spirit
August 23, 2015

Delivering another powerful sermon this week, Brother Dave preached from the book of Ephesians 4:1-7 in his sermon titled "Unity of the Spirit". We pray that all Christians would unify and fulfill the Great Commission as we are called to do.

It’s Time To Be The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness
August 16, 2015

In today's episode, Guest Speaker Brian Miller delivered his sermon titled "It's Time To Be The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness". Brian preached from the book of Matthew 3.

Be Like Christ
August 09, 2015

In his sermon titled "Be Like Christ", Brother Dave preached from the book of Philippians 2:1-4.

God Keeps Preparing the Way for His People
August 02, 2015

In his sermon titled, "God Keeps Preparing the Way for His People" Brother Dave preached from the book of Acts 7:18-29.  We are reminded by Brother Dave's message that when we are chosen to serve God He is always faithful to provide what is necessary a...

Tribulation That Results in Blessing
July 26, 2015

In today's sermon titled "Tribulation That Results in Blessing", Brother Dave preached from the book of Acts 7:9-17. We are reminded by Brother Dave's message that although we may face times of difficulty, we can always trust that God is control.

Schooling the Learned
July 19, 2015

Continuing his series in Acts, Brother Dave preached from the book of Acts 7:1-8 in his sermon titled: "Schooling the Learned". We hope you will enjoy the message that Brother Dave brought and we pray that his sermon might inspire you as you continue y...

Luke’s Account of the Lord’s Last Supper
July 06, 2015

In today's sermon titled, "Luke's Account of the Lord's Last Supper" Brother Dave preached from Luke 22:14-20. We trust his message will bless you and we hope you will join us again next week for another great sermon!

Here We Stand
June 28, 2015

In a passionate sermon, Brother Dave preached from the book of Psalms 16:11 in his sermon titled "Here We Stand". Are you prepared to take a stand for Christ? Do you truly believe the inherit infallible word of God?

He Loved Him as Himself: The Example of Fatherly Mentorship
June 21, 2015

On this Father's Day Brother Dave preached from the book of 1 Samuel 18:1-4 in his sermon titled "He Loved Him as Himself: The Example of Fatherly Mentorship". We trust Brother Dave's message will touch you as it has us and we would like to wish all th...

Accusations Against Stephen
June 14, 2015

Continuing his series in Acts, Brother Dave preached from the book of Acts 6:8-15 in his sermon titled "Accusations Against Stephen". We hope you will enjoy Brother Dave's sermon and we hope you will join us again next week for another powerful message.