CalACEP Emergency Medicine Podcast

CalACEP Emergency Medicine Podcast

Episode 2 - Legislative Leadership Conference

March 24, 2021

Dr. Vik Gulati joins us to discuss California ACEP’s 31st Annual Legislative Leadership Conference (LLC), which will be held virtually on April 13th and 15th.

LLC is an opportunity for medical students, residents, and emergency medicine physicians to speak with legislators or their legislative staff and advocate for our patients and for emergency medicine as a specialty.

This is a great way to get experience with health policy and advocacy. You do not have to be an expert on policy or the legislative process, we will lead an introductory session and you will be meeting with legislators as a team and be grouped with folks with advocacy experience. Your experiences within medicine reflect the impact policy has on patient care. Advocacy can be as easy as simply telling a story from your last shift.

Join us for LLC! Register for free here:

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